Potential Secondary Exposure
/April 23, 2020
Ey Swayel
We are aware of concerns around a potential secondary exposure to COVID-19 within the community. Secondary exposure means that a member had been in contact with someone that was in contact with a positive case. This case was brought to the attention of the Yeqwethet (Health Department) and the Sts’ailes Emergency Operations Center by the family immediately. Sts’ailes has been in contact with the British Columbia Center for Disease Control and First Nations Health Authority for appropriate follow up and we have chosen to take extra precautionary measures for the safety of the community. At this time, the member is in good health and will be self-isolating. There is no indication that this is a positive case, but this is a reminder of the potential risk our people could experience if this virus were to come in to our community. We therefore further promote the infection control standards:
Refrain from touching your face (eyes, ears, nose, and mouth)
Cover your mouth with the inside of your arm when you cough, sneeze or breathe heavily
Practice social distancing – stay two meters/six feet or more apart from one another
Sanitize high touch areas in your home
Only go shopping when you need essentials
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that you notify the Yeqwethet Nurses (Health Department) for appropriate care at 604-798-8586.
Sts’ailes is here to support and protect you. We will continue to keep you informed.
Kwa’shóy (Thank you)