Yeqwethet Programs & Services
"Eyem mestiyewx kwo:l te shxweli temexw - strong people from birth to spirit life".
22nd Annual Sts’ailes Youth Soccer Tournament 2024
Thank you to all the Players, Coaches, Fans, Volunteers and staff who came out and support the 575 soccer players on the weekend. We had such a wonderful time hosting all the 44 teams and look forward to seeing you all again in 2025!.

Sts’ailes Yeqwethet Accreditation Results
We have taken on a new identity! In our efforts to revitalize the Halq’emeylem language we are committed to using the language and making it more visible throughout our community. This includes changes to the various branches of the department as follows:
Yeqwethet (formerly Health) meaning “to heal and make things right”
Yeqwethet Aylexw (formerly Community Wellness) meaning “to live”
Yeqwethet Lha:w (formerly Community Health) meaning “to heal”
Yeqwethet Sayem (formerly Mental Health) meaning “strong”
Next up we will be changing all of our programming to Halq’emeylem and weaving this into our new 10 Year Health Plan! This includes recreation, youth, elders, children, and cultural events!
Stay tuned for more exciting progress in Language Revitalization.
Sts’ailes Yeqwethet is here to serve the people by delivering culturally appropriate and professional services under a holistic approach. We strive to be letse’mot by working together as a dynamic team within Yeqwethet and in collaboration with other departments and outside agencies. We have much to be proud of as a progressive First Nation.
While continuing to provide effective Health services, we must keep abreast with the ever-changing world of science, technology, and health standards. Under the direction of Sts’ailes Chief and Council, and in accordance with the Comprehensive Community Plan, we must follow the vision of Sts’ailes. And with the support from First Nations Health Authority and other funding agencies, we must work within the funding capacity of our Flexible Health Transfer agreement.
In addition to keeping up with the times and following the direction of our Vision, it is imperative that Yeqwethet does its utmost in the area of PREVENTION. This includes the delivery of services that impede the onslaught of medical and mental health issues, and promote WELLNESS, such as Recreation, Culture, Nutrition, and Healthy Living. In fact, Council has recently given further direction to focus on prevention, with special attention to Youth and Recreation. Stay tuned for further developments and an increase in programs and services that support prevention.
Janice George
Yeqwethet Director
T: 604.796.9601
Michelle Victor
Executive Assistant
T: 604.796.9601
Margaret Charlie
Yeqwethet Aylexw Manager
T: 604.491.0021
Fredrica Paul
Medical Office Assistant
T: 604.796.9601
Holly Charlie
Yeqwethet Assistant
T: 604.796.9601